imo for pc free download windows 7, 8, 8.1 and Windows 10. The desktop version of imo is now downloadable for your computer. Imo Free Video Calls and Chat software (.msi) file is only 9Megabytes. And it is free for download from’s server. Normally, Windows software package is in EXE version. But Imo for PC is in MSI Version. But don’t worry for this reason. Because both are installable on Computer. Before download imo software application for your Personal Computer; Please confirm that firstly for what is your OS bit. I attached both bits installable files such as 32bit and 64bit too for your convenience to download an accurate file.
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Imo For PC Related Information and FAQs
Here is some most important information about the topic of today. All the FAQs are answered and the requirements of the PC is described very simply. Follow the install instructions (under the FAQs) to
What is IMO For PC?
IMO is like an online-based free communication application for helping a man to easily handle the social connecting. And this software has a PC version called or well-known as Imo For PC. It is also installable on computers and laptops.
Which PC Platforms/Operation Systems Are Perfect For IMO?
Every Operating System has a PC version of IMO. The socialist are recommended IMO for all kinds of PC operation system users. But the Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and Windows 10 is most used platforms for IMO user.
But basically, this application is more popular at Android smartphone platform. Even the iPhone user is depending on imo for instant communicating. Here is imo for Android free download if you need.
Imo Available For Apple/MAC?
As a luxurious platform, Recently imo is incredibly increasing his popularity at the platform of Apple Mac Computers and laptops. Apples Mac book users can download imo for their PC. According to the latest version of IMO for PC (Apple), it is only 10.3Magabytes and in .dmg format.
What Are The Minimum Requirments To Install It On PC?
No minimum Requirements to install it on your PC for this time! I mean, it maybe installable on any configurations PC in the new generation world. Minimum 256RAM and 80GB HDD is enough to start using it from your Desktop computer. Oh! the processor, it should be installed on a 1.64MHZ Pentium III as the minimum configuration. So it is usable on the Windows XP too!
Can It Slow Down My PC?
No. It is a light software and not eat your RAM highly. Recommended application for using on PC. It is your total connectivity solution from PC. Lighty, Handy, Softy, Simple communication application for Desktop computers.
Is It Possible To Call From PC to Mobile?
Yes possible. Free call to PC to Mobile. But before the call, you need to add them to your contact list on mobile. And, then if the second person is joined imo; now you can call him. But if he does not accept or block your number; you can not make a call between you and him.
Does IMO Open When Windows Start? Or can I change the Settings?
Always it open when every time you will start your windows. But you can change the setting from the startup setting of your Windows. Here are the tricks to change startup programs on your Windows. Follow the steps and turn off startup settings. I found any other problem, do not forget to drop a comment on this article.
How To Register IMO From PC?
Easy method. Install Imo on your phone first and register on the imo server for login. After logging on your phone then download imo for PC. Now install imo on PC. Open IMO on the computer.
Carefully Follow The Instructions Concentratedly:
1. Open Imo Free Video Calls and Chat software on your PC.
2. Type your mobile number who have already registered and logged in on the imo app.
3. Submit to Login code.
4. Wait for 59seconds.
5. Within this time it will log in to your imo account.
Does IMO support Call Conversion?
Extremely Sorry 🙁 Imo is not supporting call conversion yet. Due to the free user, we can not test the premium version IMO. Maybe on the Pro version; it supports. If you are a pro imo user, please give us your feedback about the professional version of imo messenger.
Advanced Information to download and Install Imo For PC
It is not more than harder to drinking water 🙂 After finishing the download, double click on the setup file and then clicks on the NEXT button before coming to the INSTALL button. Finally, Click on the Install button and wait for only 15seconds. It should be done within this time.
The Last Paragraph of Download IMO For PC guide
The guide is now going to finished. But some more talking is not finished yet. We will update this Imo for PC guide every month inshallah. As a visitor of, what is now in your mind? Please give us a feedback. Your feedback is very important to us. See the comment box and then drop your thoughts.