App Hacker apk Download For Android newly version

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App Hacker APK is for searching the apps saved data in the storage. Every app has a hidden (.android) folder for storing his basic data files. But some apps are dangerously eating your memory space from internal and external memories. Also, some apps save different unnecessary elements. Most of the app’s data maybe not removable, even we uninstall them from our Android 🙁 As a result, we need to install App Hacker Apk on our Android to clean such kinds of unnecessary data from our storage.

Android Specialist suggests for clearing the saved data before uninstall any Android application from apps manager. But do you know that- if you clear the data, through some hidden files are staying yet on your phone?

These mini size files can be fulling your storage space within few days. And, your phone will notify you for freeing minimum space for getting the full performance of RAM.

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Download App Hacker apk Download For Android

Here are the best and useful information about application’s hidden folders deleting. Maybe this is the world’s most informative article on the topic. Give it value by reading them 🙂

Download App Hacker APK application

  • What is App Hacker apk?

    It is for cleaning the hidden folders creating your installed apps on Android. It can be deleting the files who are unnecessary for you. Also, can be able to find out the hidden folders and files from internal and external storage on an Android.

  • Can It Clean My Locked Files and Folder?

    Good question. Most of the locker application is fake and it can not make a password protected locker for saving your private files. Such as audios, private videos or best moments pictures. These locker apps are just creating a hidden folder on your memory and move the files you want to lock on the folders. By the way, Hack App APK can able to find out the locker (hidden folder and files) by hacking your lock apps. How amazing it? 😉

  • How An App Create A Hidden Folder in Android?

    Are you know the tricks to creating the hidden folder or hide an existing folder(s) in Android? It is a simple method. Just create the folder in starting with dot (.) sign. Or rename the existing folder with starting dot sign. Like you want to make a folder hidden. The folder name is “Private Files”. So you need type “.Private Files” as the folder name. You now can not find the folder (newly created) in your file manager. Because it is now hidden your memory. In this method, all the applications are creating files and folders.

  • What Is The Main Benefit of the App Hacker APK?

    The main feature/benefit is that- You can clean up your phone every day manually. No need to insert your phone into a computer to remove ever files you need who saved by your different apps.

  • How Amount OF RAM Will Eaten by It?

    Little bit only. This App Hacker application is only 3.4 Megabytes. So it will eat your RAM very little amount. Don’t worry, It not slow down your Android performance. It cost your RAM only when you open it. But after closing, it can not reduce your RAM capacity.

  • Is It Only For Android User?

    No. It is available for almost every most popular smartphone OS platforms. Such as Android, iPhone/Apple, Windows Phone, Blackberry etc.

  • Can It Able to Delete Android System Files?

    No. It can able to only reading/viewing and deleting the files who saved by various Android Application.

  • Can I use App Hacker APK Without Sign up/Registration?

    Yes. It is not required to signup or registration to use this app. You can start using this hacker application tool without sign in.


Install App Hacker apk Download For Android

Here is the download link to download the app form our website. To install the application on your Android, you need to download the APK first. Download the APK file of the App Hacker application and install it on your Android.


It may be the danger for the application to deleting the files from hiddenly saved. Please do not delete the files if you are a newbie.

How above?

Tell us how above information are helped you. We think App Hacker APK is best for Android user to delete the unnecessary applications. Please tell us your experience. Thank you.

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